2025 State-by-State Calling Restrictions for Telemarketing Companies

Author: George F November 8, 2024 Read Time 2 minutes Viewed 152 Times
State-by-State Calling Restrictions for Telemarketing

State-by-State Calling Restrictions for Telemarketing Companies

Stay informed about state-specific telemarketing restrictions including calling times, frequency limits, and holiday exceptions.

General Federal Guidelines

Federal law permits telemarketing calls between 8 AM and 9 PM at the recipient’s location. However, some states impose stricter regulations, which are outlined below.

State Calling Time Restrictions

State Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday Holidays
Alabama 8 AM - 8 PM 8 AM - 8 PM No Calls No Calls
Connecticut 9 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 8 PM 9 AM - 8 PM No Restrictions
Florida 8 AM - 8 PM 8 AM - 8 PM 8 AM - 8 PM No Restrictions
Illinois 8 AM - 9 PM 8 AM - 9 PM 8 AM - 9 PM No Restrictions
Kentucky 10 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 9 PM 10 AM - 9 PM No Restrictions

Call Frequency Restrictions

Several states limit the number of telemarketing calls made to a single consumer within a certain time period. Below is a summary of these restrictions.

State Frequency Restriction
Florida No more than three (3) telemarketing calls to the same consumer over a 24-hour period on the same subject matter.
Maine No more than one solicitation call using an automated telephone calling device to the same number during each 8-hour period.
Maryland No more than three (3) telemarketing calls to the same consumer over a 24-hour period on the same subject matter.
Oklahoma No more than three (3) telemarketing calls to the same consumer over a 24-hour period on the same subject matter.

State-Specific Legal Holiday Restrictions

Several states impose restrictions on telemarketing calls during legal holidays. Below is a list of states and their restricted holiday dates.

Holiday Alabama Louisiana Mississippi Pennsylvania Rhode Island Utah
New Year's Day Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted
Christmas Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted
Labor Day Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted
Thanksgiving Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted

Disclaimer: This information is not legal advice. Please consult an attorney for guidance on regulatory compliance.

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